Tajikistan’s Fallen Hero: YodgorAmrikhudoev

You are not Forgotten.

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The Badakhshan Mountainous Autonomous Region (GBAO) is the largest region in Tajikistan in terms of area, but the least populated in terms of population. In May and June 2022, there were deadly outcomes after President Emomali Rahmon’s regime quelled the scene of protests.

YodgorAmrikhudoev was from Roshan, Vamar Village in Tajikistan. He worked in the government office. He was married with a child. He and his sister have lost their parents and he helped care for her.


1967 – 2022

According to his relatives, Yodgordid not participate in the rally. On May 18, he was taken from his workplace to the police station. Thereafterwhen the villagers found him dead, his family took his body back.

Yodgorwas reported diedat the age of 55.


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