Tajikistan’s Fallen Hero: Alikhan Nazokatov

You are not Forgotten.

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The Badakhshan Mountainous Autonomous Region (GBAO) is the largest region in Tajikistan in terms of area, but the least populated in terms of population. In May and June 2022, there were deadly outcomes after President Emomali Rahmon’s regime quelled the scene of protests. Alikhan Nazokatov was one of the victims of the deadly days in May 2022.

Alikhan Nazokatov was the only son of his family. After four years of migration and travelling, he returned to Rushan, Tajikistan in February 2022 due to his mother’s illness. He had worked in construction in Russia. His savings were helping his mother.

According to his relatives, Alikhan did not participate in the demonstrations and went to help the men who were wounded in the protests on May 18, but later he was also taken away and killed. His relatives shared that Alikhan was a calm and helpful person. The killers remain at large.

Alikhan Nazokatov

Alikhan was reported died at the age of 25.


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