Trade Archives · Tashkent Citizen Human Interest in the Balance Tue, 05 Dec 2023 13:05:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Trade Archives · Tashkent Citizen 32 32 Doubling Trade Named Major Task for Belarus, Uzbekistan Tue, 26 Dec 2023 12:54:46 +0000 MINSK, 5 December (BelTA) – Our major task is to double trade between the two countries, Uzbekistan’s Deputy…

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MINSK, 5 December (BelTA) – Our major task is to double trade between the two countries, Uzbekistan’s Deputy Minister of Investment, Industry and Trade Khurram Teshabaev told the media ahead of a meeting of Belarus-Uzbekistan joint intergovernmental commission on bilateral cooperation, BelTA has learned.

Samarkand is hosting the tenth meeting of Belarus-Uzbekistan joint intergovernmental commission on bilateral cooperation. The parties are expected to discuss the state and prospects of trade and economic cooperation. In particular, the meeting participants plan to focus on industry, agriculture and healthcare.

“We have been thoroughly preparing for the visit of the Belarusian delegation,” Khurram Teshabaev told journalists, emphasizing that the agenda of bilateral relations was very rich.

“The task is to double the trade between our countries. Of course, there are traditional areas where Belarusian business is very strong. This includes furniture, dairy products, pharmaceuticals – an important area for us. We have specific proposals and projects in all these areas,” Khurram Teshabaev said outlining the range of issues to be discussed.

He added that a business forum featuring representatives of both countries was scheduled to take place in the afternoon. According to the deputy minister, Uzbekistan’s companies show great interest in establishing bilateral business relations.

Belarusian Prime Minister Roman Golovchenko and Uzbekistan Prime Minister Abdulla Aripov are expected to attend the Uzbek-Belarusian business forum.

More than 60 representatives of Belarus (ministries and agencies, concerns, enterprises and organizations) are expected to take part in the business forum. They will focus on machine building, light and food industry, woodworking, pharmaceuticals, veterinary medicine, and wholesale trade. Some 200 representatives of Uzbekistan’s authorities and companies will attend the forum. In 2022, mutual trade exceeded $500 million. This year’s plan, as Belarusian Deputy Prime Minister Leonid Zayats has said earlier, is to increase last year’s figures.

Source: Belta

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China’s Growing International E-commerce Trade Turns to TIR Fri, 28 Jul 2023 08:00:00 +0000 TIR, the only global transit system, is now bringing additional efficiency and security to China’s booming e-commerce trade.…

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TIR, the only global transit system, is now bringing additional efficiency and security to China’s booming e-commerce trade.

A truck loaded with a wide range of e-commerce goods has completed its journey from China’s inland city of Kashgar to Kyrgyzstan. This marks the first transport of its kind to connect China with Central Asia benefiting from the unique combination of TIR and the dedicated e-commerce goods customs declaration procedure called “9610”. 

China’s cross-border e-commerce trade witnessed rapid growth during the pandemic, becoming an important driving force of the country’s foreign trade. 

Data from China’s Ministry of Commerce shows that the country’s cross-border e-commerce has increased by nearly ten times over the past five years. Driven by deepening regional cooperation, e-commerce trade between China and Central Asia experienced a 95% year-on-year growth in 2022.

China’s fast-growing e-commerce trade has generated a surging market demand for safe and efficient logistics solutions to move goods across borders. TIR, which connects China with over 30 countries across Eurasia, will help to further unleash the potential of its e-commerce trade.  

The TIR system brings unique benefits to the transport of e-commerce goods. TIR streamlines border procedures, allowing for customs procedures to be handled during departure from an inland customs office, while enhancing the security of the goods. This ensures faster and more secure delivery of goods and guarantees cargo integrity during the journey.

Source: IRU News

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President of Kazakhstan to Pay State Visit to China Next Week Wed, 17 May 2023 14:15:33 +0000 President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev will pay a state visit to China on May 17-19, reported the Akorda…

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President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev will pay a state visit to China on May 17-19, reported the Akorda press service on May 8. 

The President is expected to meet President of China Xi Jinping in the Chinese city of Xi’an to address the strategic partnership between the two countries, expanding cooperation in trade, economic, investment, transport and logistics and energy sectors, as well as deepening cultural and humanitarian ties.

The President also plans to meet with the leaders of major Chinese companies and take part in the China + Central Asia (C+C5) Summit.

Source: Astanatimes

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Kazakhstan Poised to Intensify Vetting of Re-exports to Russia Thu, 30 Mar 2023 12:41:00 +0000 In a fresh attempt to avoid getting stung for enabling Russia to circumvent Western-imposed sanctions, Kazakhstan will from…

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In a fresh attempt to avoid getting stung for enabling Russia to circumvent Western-imposed sanctions, Kazakhstan will from next month introduce an online system designed to track all goods entering and exiting the country.

The system, which a senior official has told Eurasianet is due to come into effect from April 1, appears to be the most concerted effort to date by Kazakhstan to demonstrate compliance with Western efforts to isolate Russia’s economy in reprisal for the ongoing invasion of Ukraine. 

“Our government has repeatedly and very clearly stated that Kazakhstan does not apply any sanctions and restrictions in trade with Russia. However, it will not allow the circumvention of Western sanctions and will not become a platform for such circumvention,” the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity. “We understand all the risks of secondary sanctions, so we closely monitor our mutual trade with all partners.” 

Those remarks accurately convey the complexity of the challenge facing Kazakhstan, which wants to avoid angering its belligerent and economically important neighbor to the north while continuing to cultivate fruitful ties with Europe and the United States. 

Foreign Minister Mukhtar Tleuberdi made no secret of those anxieties in his remarks alongside U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who swung through Astana last month.

“Kazakhstan has very historic ties with both Russia and Ukraine,” Tleuberdi said, speaking in English. “Our economies are interconnected for a long, long time, and that’s why definitely all this situation is quite heavy for us, for our economy, and we [are] trying to avoid any negative effects from the sanctions.” 

The main obstacles to compliance are geography and the current trading regime under which Kazakhstan operates.

Kazakhstan and Russia are both members of a five-nation Eurasian Economic Union, also known by the acronym EAEU. That means in theory that there are no customs checks on goods crossing their 7,600-kilometer border.

That has over recent years contributed to consolidating Russia’s role as Kazakhstan’s primary trading partner. So it was hardly any surprise that when the pipeline of Western goods to Russia was turned off, Moscow looked to its neighbors – such as Kazakhstan, but also other countries in Central Asia and the Caucasus – as a backdoor. 

“Information collected by the Geneva-based Trade Data Monitor indicates that some sanctioned goods – particularly advanced semiconductors – are being diverted to Russia via third countries, many of which abruptly changed their trading habits following Russia’s invasion,” Bloomberg reported earlier this month.

The figures speak for themselves. In the calendar year before the war began, Kazakhstan exported a paltry $12,000 worth of advanced semiconductors to Russia. In 2022, this amount shot up to $3.7 million.

And then there are the figures that are more difficult to pin down. Anecdotal evidence suggests a growing shuttle-trading industry has emerged to fill the demand for high-tech consumer goods and other sought-after items.

Recently published research from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development also “provides evidence suggestive of intermediated trade via [Russia’s] neighboring economies being used to circumvent the sanctions.”

“We saw the emergence of intermediated trade – an increase in Western exports to Central Asian and the Caucasus countries accompanied by an increase in exports from these countries to Russia,” explained EBRD chief economist Beata Javorcik.

The patterns of falling exports from the EU to Russia and rising exports to Central Asia and the Caucasus “are particularly pronounced for product groups partially or fully subject to the EU sanctions as well as goods that are similar to the sanctioned ones,” the EBRD report said.

After the introduction of sanctions, EU exports of sanctioned goods to EAEU members Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Armenia rose by an extra 30 percent compared to exports of other goods, the authors concluded, after studying data from January 2017 to August 2022. 

It is not only Russia’s direct trading partners that need to be vigilant in helping stem the flow, according to Western officials engineering the sanctions regime.  

After all, it is usually not the nations helping Russia meet its demands for semiconductors and similar high-tech material that are producing the components themselves. 

U.S. Treasury sanctions compliance advice makes it clear that Western exporters are responsible for ensuring sanctioned goods are not reaching Russia via third countries.

report by Reuters from earlier this month illustrated in practice how this parallel flow is working. Citing seven anonymous sources familiar with the situation, the news agency wrote of how “Russian companies have flooded their Kazakh partners … with new requests to help them … import badly needed goods.”

“Russians have a very long shopping list which includes industrial equipment, railway bearings, advanced electronics, radio equipment, turbines, airplane parts, raw materials, and even bank card materials,” Reuters said in its report, citing the testimony of its sources.

This boom in business is clearly evidenced by Kazakh official data showing how exports to Russia rose by 25 percent last year.

To ensure no inadvertent sanctions-busting is happening, Kazakhstan and the U.S. government have been liaising, as Tleuberdi noted during Blinken’s visit. Astana is grateful that the Americans “inform us in advance of possible cases over which secondary sanctions could be applied,” the Kazakh foreign minister told reporters.

And while Kazakhstan has incurred no secondary sanctions, Washington has slapped them on an Uzbek company over supplies of microcircuits to Russia. 

Although there have been no nasty surprises yet, officials in Astana are urging businesses to be wary of the risks of trading with Russia in the current climate. The Kazakh official who spoke to Eurasianet said the government “is constantly working to reduce the risks of re-export” and has set up an online database informing companies about sanctions. The import-export monitoring system coming online next month is another piece of the puzzle. 

“Suspicious trade operations are subjected to a thorough analysis and, if necessary, administrative measures are taken,” the official said.

Source : Eurasianet

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Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan discuss cooperation in trade-economic areas Thu, 19 Jan 2023 20:00:00 +0000 On 11 January, Minister of Investments, Industry and Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan Laziz Kudratov held talks…

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On 11 January, Minister of Investments, Industry and Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan Laziz Kudratov held talks with Minister of Economy and Commerce of the Kyrgyz Republic Daniyar Amangeldiyev, Trend reports citing Kabar.

The parties discussed preparations for bilateral events planned for 2023, including at the highest level, as well as the implementation of ongoing joint projects, including those developed through the Uzbek-Kyrgyz Development Fund.

It was noted that thanks to joint efforts, there is stable growth in trade between the two countries. Thus, over the past 5 years, the volume of mutual trade has grown 6 times – from US$167.5 million in 2016 to US$953.6 million in 2021. In 2022, the trade turnover exceeded US$1 billion.

During the talks, the importance of further intensifying cooperation in a number of priority areas was emphasized. In particular, an agreement was reached to accelerate the implementation of construction projects for the Kambarata Hydroelectric Power Plant-1 in Kyrgyzstan and the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railway, in accordance with the signed documents and on the implementation of these projects.

They also discussed projects planned for implementation in Kyrgyzstan to organize the production of cars and commercial vehicles, launch a spinning enterprise in the Jalal-Abad region, introduce and produce ASKUE electricity metering systems and produce calcium carbide.

Following the meeting, the parties outlined specific steps to accelerate the practical implementation of the agreements reached.

Source: Azer News

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