Chinese Archives · Tashkent Citizen Human Interest in the Balance Wed, 20 Mar 2024 03:24:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Chinese Archives · Tashkent Citizen 32 32 Chinese embassy urges its citizens in Singapore to ‘stay away’ from gambling Wed, 20 Mar 2024 03:24:47 +0000 SINGAPORE – The Chinese embassy in Singapore on March 18 asked its citizens in the Republic to “stay…

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SINGAPORE – The Chinese embassy in Singapore on March 18 asked its citizens in the Republic to “stay away” from gambling, adding that cross-border gambling violates Chinese laws.

The embassy, in a statement on its official WeChat account, “solemnly reminded” Chinese citizens in Singapore to steer clear of gambling, which is strictly prohibited by law in China.

“Even if overseas casinos are opened legally, cross-border gambling by Chinese citizens is suspected of violating the laws of our country and face the risk of punitive actions,” said the embassy, warning that embassies may not be able to provide consular protection for illegal gambling violations.

Using a Chinese idiom to describe how 10 out of 10 bets lead to cheating incidents or losses, the embassy said in its notice that people who gamble face the risk of running up debts, financial ruin and the destruction of their families.

Cross-border gambling may also be related to illegal activities not limited to scams, money laundering, kidnapping and smuggling, the embassy added.

Those who know of Chinese citizens operating casinos overseas or approaching fellow Chinese to gamble were also urged to report it through official reporting platforms or to the Singapore police.

In response to a question from Reuters at a news conference in China, Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian said the country’s position on cross-border gambling is clear, according to Chinese media reports.

He said Chinese capital cannot be invested in overseas casinos, and Chinese citizens are not allowed to run overseas casinos.

Overseas casinos also should not invite Chinese citizens to gamble on their premises, he added.

The Straits Times has contacted the Chinese embassy, Marina Bay Sands and Resorts World Sentosa for comment.

Apart from state-sanctioned lotteries, gambling is banned in China. But that has prompted organisations such as the Guangdong Club, which operates an online gambling platform, to register itself overseas in Costa Rica.

Special administrative region Macau is the only part of China where gambling activities are legal.

China, through its embassies, has previously reminded its citizens in countries including Malaysia, Italy, Angola, Sri Lanka and South Korea that travelling abroad to gamble is illegal.

China has been working with countries in South-east Asia to deter cross-border gambling.

In September 2023, six Asean member nations – Malaysia, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia and the Philippines – signed an agreement to collaborate on combatting transnational gambling crime in the region.

The agreement notably targeted organised crime groups that have lured thousands of people to work in casinos or scam compounds under the guise of jobs paying lucrative wages.


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Relatives of Kazakhs Incarcerated in Xinjiang Blocked From Approaching Chinese Consulate Sun, 17 Dec 2023 00:25:03 +0000 ALMATY, Kazakhstan — Police in Kazakhstan’s largest city, Almaty, have blocked five Kazakh men and women from approaching…

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ALMATY, Kazakhstan — Police in Kazakhstan’s largest city, Almaty, have blocked five Kazakh men and women from approaching the Chinese Consulate, where they planned to demand the release of their relatives imprisoned in so-called reeducation camps in China’s northwestern region of Xinjiang.

The protesters, who planned to picket the Chinese Consulate on December 4, told RFE/RL that it was the 1,000th day of their rallies “against China’s genocidal politics against ethnic Kazakhs, Uyghurs, and Kyrgyz,” as well as other indigenous peoples of the region.

According to the protesters, their relatives in Xinjiang were incarcerated either for being practicing Muslims or for posts on the Internet.

China has been accused of human rights violations against Kazakhs, Uyghurs and other mostly Turkic-speaking indigenous ethnic groups over the existence of mass detention camps in Xinjiang.

Beijing denies that the facilities are internment camps, saying its actions are aimed at combating terrorism. People who have fled the province, however, say people from the ethnic groups are undergoing “political indoctrination” at a network of facilities officially referred to as reeducation camps.

Amid ongoing rallies and pickets in front of China’s diplomatic missions in Kazakhstan, the Chinese Embassy said in March 2021 that all ethnic Kazakhs incarcerated in Xinjiang are Chinee citizens and are being held there for breaking Chinse laws.

Several relatives of the protesters were released and allowed to travel to Kazakhstan in recent years.

Kazakh authorities refrain from openly criticizing the policies of China, one of their main creditors.

The U.S. State Department has said that as many as 2 million Uyghurs, Kazakhs, and members of Xinjiang’s other indigenous, mostly Muslim ethnic groups have been taken to detention centers.

Kazakhs are the second-largest Turkic-speaking indigenous community in Xinjiang after Uyghurs. The region is also home to ethnic Kyrgyz, Tajiks, and Hui, also known as Dungans. Han, China’s largest ethnicity, is the second-largest community in Xinjiang.

Source: Radio Free Europe Radio Liberty

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Create New Glory for Chinese Culture Fri, 20 Oct 2023 07:22:17 +0000 The rejuvenation of a nation requires strong material strength as well as strong spiritual strength. Since the 18th…

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The rejuvenation of a nation requires strong material strength as well as strong spiritual strength.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has taken charge of the overall situation, placed ideological and cultural propaganda work in an important position, and guided the ideological and cultural propaganda work to achieve historic achievements and changes in the process of raising the flag and rectifying the source. Show a new look and embark on a new journey while keeping integrity, innovating, and pioneering.

Be far-sighted and oriented, pointing the way forward for the development of propaganda, ideological and cultural undertakings in the new era

At the foot of Yanshan Mountain, the national style is mighty and the cultural context is endless.

On June 1, 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited the Central Headquarters of the National Library of China, located on the northern extension of the central axis of Beijing.

Entering the National Study Room, the General Secretary looked at the starry sky dome in the central caisson at the top. On the dome, the astronomical charts carved in stone from the Song Dynasty show the wisdom of the ancients, and the stars are brilliant, vast and profound; in the study, 15 groups of giant bookcases display nearly 30,000 volumes of New China’s high-quality publications, and the starry sky of ideas is magnificent.

Civilization is everlasting, and ideas keep pace with the times.

At the symposium on cultural inheritance and development held the next day, General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly summarized a series of new ideas, new perspectives, and conclusions put forward in cultural construction since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and emphasized that these important perspectives are the basis for the cultural construction of party leadership in the new era. The theoretical summary of practical experience is the fundamental basis for doing a good job in publicity, ideological and cultural work, and must be implemented and continuously enriched and developed over a long period of time.

Ten years ago in August, the first national propaganda and ideological work conference was held after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. General Secretary Xi Jinping’s speech was profound:

“I have been thinking about a question… Whether we Chinese Communists can uphold the party’s leadership and uphold and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics in the increasingly complex international and domestic environment. This question needs to be answered by generations of us Communists. Do. To do good ideological work and propaganda and ideological work, we must understand it in this general context.”

The sober and calm questioning is permeated with foresight and foresight in promoting ideological and cultural undertakings.

This is a major proposition under new historical coordinates: Socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era. Faced with the strategic overall situation of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the major changes in the world that have not been seen in a century, how should we focus on, build our souls, and influence each other? Hold the flag high?

This is the call of the times to promote theoretical innovation: if a nation wants to be at the forefront of the times, it must have theoretical thinking and correct ideological guidance for a moment. If we want to continuously promote the Sinicization of Marxism and constantly climb to new ideological peaks, how should we summarize experience and grasp the rules?

This is a high degree of consciousness that continues the historical context: without a high degree of cultural confidence and without cultural prosperity, there will be no great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation; without the prosperity and development of socialist culture, there will be no socialist modernization. To promote the construction of a socialist cultural power, how should we take the initiative and make another glorious chapter?

“Ideological work is an extremely important task for the party. It is a task that establishes the heart for the country and the soul for the nation.” General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out.

Keep abreast of the pulse of the times, work around the central task, highlight problem orientation, and publicize the ever-changing atmosphere in the ideological and cultural fields.

Get to the bottom of things and uphold and strengthen the Party’s overall leadership over propaganda, ideological and cultural work——

November 2013, Beijing, the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee.

At this important meeting that officially opened a new era and comprehensively deepened reforms, General Secretary Xi Jinping’s words on ideological work were inspiring:

“While concentrating on economic construction, we must not relax or weaken ideological work for a moment. We must firmly hold the leadership, management and discourse power of ideological work in our hands, and we must not let it go at any time, otherwise we will be guilty of incompetence. A reversible historic mistake.”

Ideology is related to flags, roads, and national political security.

With the rapid development of economy, science and technology and the profound adjustment of the social structure, erroneous ideological trends such as money worship, hedonism, extreme individualism and historical nihilism appear from time to time. Online public opinion is chaotic, seriously affecting people’s thinking and the social public opinion environment.

Focusing on solving the problem of weakening party leadership in the ideological field, General Secretary Xi Jinping made the final decision: “We must strengthen the party’s overall leadership over propaganda and ideological work, and clearly insist on the party’s management of propaganda and ideology.”

The National Propaganda and Ideological Work Conference was held twice, emphasizing that “to do a good job in propaganda and ideological work, the whole party must take action” and “build a socialist ideology with strong cohesion and leadership”; at the symposium on literature and art work, it was pointed out that “the leadership of the party is socialist “The fundamental guarantee for the development of literature and art”; at the party’s news and public opinion work symposium, it was emphasized that “the media sponsored by the party and the government are the propaganda fronts of the party and the government and must be surnamed party”; at the network security and informatization work symposium, it was requested that “the masses Our leading cadres must go wherever they are”; at the symposium on philosophy and social sciences it was pointed out that “strengthening and improving the party’s leadership over philosophy and social sciences is the fundamental guarantee for the prosperity and development of China’s philosophy and social sciences”; at The National Conference on Ideological and Political Work in Colleges and Universities emphasized “firmly grasping the party’s leadership over the work of colleges and universities”…

General Secretary Xi Jinping clarified his principled position on a series of fundamental issues, clarified the fog of understanding, and corrected the direction of work.

If the direction is clear, the thinking will be clear. Targeted measures have emerged one after another:

Establish and uphold the fundamental system of Marxism’s guiding position in the field of ideology; formulate implementation measures for the ideological work responsibility system and clarify the responsibilities of party committees (party groups) at all levels in the form of intra-party regulations; resolutely fight back against all kinds of distortion, vilification, blasphemy of heroes and martyrs, etc. To combat nihilism, we formulated and promulgated the Law on the Protection of Heroes and Martyrs; we vigorously rectified the online ecological chaos and established a three-level network information management system at the central, provincial and municipal levels; we formulated the first basic and backbone intra-party regulations on propaganda work, “China “Regulations on the Propaganda Work of the Communist Party” provides strong guidance and support for the whole party to carry out propaganda work with rigid laws and regulations…

The once passive situation in the ideological field has been fundamentally reversed, and the situation in the ideological field has undergone an overall and fundamental change.

Keeping integrity and creating new ideas, clearly put forward the important conclusion of “two combinations”——

Why the Communist Party of China is able and why socialism with Chinese characteristics is good? In the final analysis, it is the practice of Marxism and the practice of Marxism adapted to China’s times.

On July 1, 2021, a conference to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China was held in Tiananmen Square. General Secretary Xi Jinping’s words are sonorous: “Insist on combining the basic principles of Marxism with China’s specific reality and with China’s excellent traditional culture, use Marxism to observe the times, grasp the times, and lead the times, and continue to develop contemporary Chinese Marxism and 21st century Marxism. ism!”

This is the first time that the major assertion of “two combinations” has been formally put forward.

Since then, the “two combinations” have been written into the “Resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the Major Achievements and Historical Experience of the Party’s Centenary Struggle” and the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

At the foot of Wuyi Mountain, Zhu Xiyuan stated that “we must organically combine adhering to Marxism with the promotion of China’s excellent traditional culture.” At Yinxu, he emphasized that “the fundamental way for us to promote the sinicization of Marxism with the times is ‘two combinations.'” In cultural inheritance At the development symposium, the significance of “two combinations” was profoundly explained and pointed out that “‘two combinations’ are the biggest magic weapon for our success”…

Continue to deepen the understanding of the regularity of the party’s theoretical innovation. General Secretary Xi Jinping’s discussion of the “two combinations”, especially the “second combination”, shows that our party’s understanding of China’s path, theory, and system has reached a new height. , indicating that our party’s historical confidence and cultural self-confidence have reached a new height, and that our party’s consciousness of promoting cultural innovation while inheriting China’s excellent traditional culture has reached a new height.

Strengthen the foundation and cultivate the foundation, strengthen self-confidence from the continuous history and culture——

Sansu Temple, Meishan, Sichuan. Centennial ginkgo trees and thousand-year-old yellow kudzu trees are full of vitality.

On June 8, 2022, General Secretary Xi Jinping came here to inspect the thousand-year-old ancient temple. He said with deep feeling: “A drop of water can see the sun, and a Sansu Temple can see the breadth and depth of our Chinese culture. We say we must be firm Cultural self-confidence, China has the ‘Three Sus’, this is an important example.”

Continuity, innovation, unity, inclusiveness, peace – General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly summarized the five outstanding characteristics of Chinese civilization and pointed out that “cultural confidence comes from our cultural subjectivity.”

In the mind of the General Secretary, cultural self-confidence is the most basic, profound and lasting force in the development of a country and a nation.

He went to the Dunhuang Academy to host a symposium and affirmed that “Dunhuang culture demonstrates the cultural confidence of the Chinese nation”; went to the Yangpu Riverside in Shanghai and stressed that “preserving the city’s historical and cultural memory allows people to remember history and nostalgia, strengthen cultural confidence, and enhance “Feelings of Home and Country”; cordially communicated with teachers and students at Yuelu Academy, encouraging “contemporary students must further strengthen their cultural confidence in the process of inheriting China’s excellent traditional culture”; came to Yungang Grottoes and pointed out that “let tourism become a way for people to understand Chinese culture” , the process of enhancing cultural confidence”…

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has placed cultural confidence at an unprecedented level, cultivated the spiritual strength of the entire nation, and concentrated on the great cause of rejuvenation.

The outline is drawn up and a blueprint path is drawn for the construction of a culturally powerful country——

Culture makes a country prosperous, and a strong culture makes a nation strong.

“Contemporary Chinese Communists and the Chinese people should and must be able to shoulder the new cultural mission, carry out cultural creation in practical creation, and achieve cultural progress in historical progress!”

In the report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward the major proposition of “new cultural mission” for the first time.

Standing at the height of building a strong country and rejuvenating the nation, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out the way forward for building a strong socialist cultural country:

Focusing on the new situation, new tasks and new requirements, it is clearly stated that propaganda and ideological work must consciously undertake the mission of “raising the flag, gathering people’s hearts, educating new people, developing culture, and displaying image”;

Cultivate a positive, healthy, and positive Internet culture, clarifying that “the Internet has become the main battlefield in the struggle for public opinion” and bluntly stating that “if you cannot pass the Internet, you will not be able to pass the long-term governance”;

Emphasizing on adhering to the people-centered creative orientation, the symposium was held again to guide the direction of Chinese literature and art after 72 years, pointing out that “there are a hundred or a thousand methods of literary and artistic creation, but the most fundamental, most critical and most reliable method It is to take root in the people and life”;

Caring about the protection and utilization of cultural relics and the protection and inheritance of cultural heritage, “Cultural Footprint” has spread all over the country, inspecting cultural landmarks and exploring the roots of civilization, and is obsessed with “protecting the city’s historical and cultural heritage as we cherish our own life”;

Attach great importance to accelerating the construction of Chinese discourse and Chinese narrative system, requiring “efforts to create new concepts, new categories and new expressions that integrate China and foreign countries, tell Chinese stories well, and spread Chinese voices well”;

Strive to promote exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations, act as a “cultural spokesperson” time and time again during overseas visits, demonstrate the broad mind of Chinese civilization in home diplomacy time and time again, and vividly interpret that “civilizations are colorful due to exchanges, and civilizations are enriched due to mutual learning”;


Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has clearly defined the mission and tasks of propaganda and ideological and cultural work and promoted the construction of ideological and cultural propaganda with the historical initiative, extraordinary theoretical courage, outstanding political wisdom, and strong mission of a Marxist politician, thinker, and strategist. Open a new chapter.

Build the soul with intellectuals and bacon, and promote new results in publicity, ideological and cultural work

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, under the leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, my country’s ideological situation has undergone overall and fundamental changes. The cultural confidence of the entire Party and people of all ethnic groups has been significantly enhanced, and the cohesion and centripetal force of the entire society have been greatly enhanced. Improvement provides a strong ideological guarantee and strong spiritual power for creating a new situation for the party and the country’s cause in the new era.

Strengthen ideological arming, and the party’s innovative theory is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people——

Entering the Beijing Book Building, in front of the “Educational Books on Learning and Implementing Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era” section, “Selected Readings of Xi Jinping’s Works” is placed in a prominent position, attracting many readers to stop and read.

As an authoritative textbook for in-depth study and implementation of the Party’s innovative theory, on April 3 this year, this important work of General Secretary Xi Jinping edited in the name of the Document Editing Committee of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was officially published.

On the same day, the theme education work conference was held in Beijing, and “a new learning competition” kicked off.

Standing at the strategic height of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core leads the entire party to advance the cause of great development through theoretical study and ideological armed force.

From the previous centralized education within the party that insisted on taking theoretical learning as the first priority, to the establishment of a central propaganda team to carry out grassroots propaganda, under the personal care and guidance of General Secretary Xi Jinping, the atmosphere of theoretical learning has become increasingly strong from the central to local governments.

Deepening theoretical research and promoting systematic and theoretical construction are the basic prerequisites for strengthening the party’s theoretical arm.

Entering a new era, the construction of platforms such as Marxist theoretical research and construction projects has been solidly advanced, and the Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era has achieved fruitful results. The philosophy and social science circles have grasped the essence of theory, explored the spiritual connotation, and continued to understand the party’s innovative theory. deepen.

On January 1, 2019, a new ideological learning platform with powerful functions and rich content – “Xueqiangguo” was launched. Within three months of its launch, the number of registered users exceeded 100 million.

Popular theoretical readings such as “Chinese-style Modernization Face to Face” and “Century Party Face to Face” make the theory more vivid and perceptible; new carriers and new positions such as the New Era Civilization Practice Center and county-level integrated media centers help the party’s innovative theories continue to penetrate into the grassroots; the central government’s main The media launched brand columns such as “First Observation”, “First Look” and “Current Affairs News Eye”, which have continuously extended the scope of theoretical popularization…

The light of thought illuminates the way forward, and the craze for learning surges across China.

Nowadays, open classes on popular theory have triggered a “drama-chasing” effect among young people. Theoretical study guidance books have been listed among the “100 Books Favored by Farmers”. The good voice of the Party has become the strongest voice in society, reaching the hearts of the people and reverberating directly. In the land of China.

Inspiring spiritual morale and greatly enhancing the cohesion and centripetal force of the people across the country——

On July 1, 2021, a meeting to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China was held grandly in Tiananmen Square. The grand ceremony of the country inspired hundreds of millions of Chinese people to express their love for the Party and country.

As General Secretary Xi Jinping said: “The celebrations are grand, solemn and magnificent, with rituals ordering the universe and harmonizing heaven and earth.” “It plays a role in unifying thoughts, gathering strength, inspiring people, and boosting morale.”

From commemorating the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War and celebrating the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up, to celebrating the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China and the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the publicity, ideological and cultural front focuses on important nodes and major events to promote the integration of the party’s hearts and minds, the demonstration of national power and military might, and gather together Create an indestructible and majestic force.

The party’s news and public opinion work is related to the cohesion and centripetal force of the entire party and the people of all ethnic groups in the country.

Throughout the day, I went to People’s Daily, Xinhua News Agency, and CCTV for on-the-spot investigation, and hosted a symposium on the Party’s news and public opinion work, proposing the responsibilities and missions of the Party’s news and public opinion work under the conditions of the new era:

“Hold the flag high, lead the way, focus on the center, serve the overall situation, unite the people, boost morale, cultivate moral integrity, unite efforts, clarify fallacies, distinguish right from wrong, connect China and foreign countries, and communicate with the world.”

Three years later, on January 25, 2019, General Secretary Xi Jinping led the members of the Political Bureau of the 19th CPC Central Committee to move the “classroom” for collective learning from Zhongnanhai to the front line of media integration development.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the “Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Integrated Development of Traditional Media and Emerging Media” and “Opinions on Accelerating the In-depth Integrated Development of Media” have been issued successively. With integrated development as a breakthrough, mainstream media have “broken out of the cocoon” in the changes of the times. Butterfly change”.

All major media outlets are in full bloom, with texts, pictures, audio and video competing to use innovative means and all-media presentation to record touching moments of poverty alleviation, outline a beautiful picture of a well-off society in an all-round way, and show a vivid picture of high-quality development. The picture, with each fine masterpiece, gathers the strength of progress.

Wherever the people are, there is the focus of concentration.

“Cyberspace has become a new space for people’s production and life, so it should also become a new space for our party to build consensus.”

For more than ten years, whether it is holding activities such as the China Internet Civilization Conference, the Wuzhen Summit of the World Internet Conference, or carrying out special governance actions such as “Network Cleaning” and “Cleaning Up”, the cultivation of network health culture has been accelerated and the forces for good have been continuously gathered.

New people of the era who have firm ideals and beliefs and are worthy of the important task of national rejuvenation are constantly emerging——

On April 25, 2022, in the Lide Building of Renmin University of China, an ideological and political class with the theme of “Inheriting the Spiritual Genealogy of Chinese Communists and Becoming a New Person of the Era Shoulder the Important Responsibility of National Rejuvenation” is ongoing.

General Secretary Xi Jinping walked into the classroom, waved to the teachers and classmates, sat among the classmates, listened to the lectures and participated in the discussions.

Amid the warm applause of teachers and students, the General Secretary started from the extraordinary journey China has taken, talking about Marxism in the cave dwellings of Yan’an, the poverty and poverty at the beginning of the founding of New China, and the thunderous breakthroughs of reform and opening up… He encouraged the students We bravely serve as pioneers and pioneers in the new journey of comprehensively building a modern socialist country.

From the poverty alleviation spirit and the anti-epidemic spirit to the Beidou spirit and the Silk Road spirit in the new era… we will carry forward the spiritual pedigree of the Chinese Communists with the great party-building spirit as the source, and create spiritual monuments one after another to provide solid support for the growth of new people in the era;

From the “Implementation Outline for the Construction of Citizen Morality in the New Era” and the “Implementation Outline for Patriotism Education in the New Era” have been successively issued, to the continuous emergence of “models of the times” and “good Chinese people”…the core values of socialism have been widely spread, and love for the party, patriotism and socialism Become a strong voice of the times;

From the issuance of the “Opinions on Strengthening and Improving Ideological and Political Work in the New Era” to comprehensively improving the level of ideological and political course construction and innovating methods and methods…the quality of grassroots ideological and political work continues to improve, and the ideological and political work system is increasingly improved;

Establish a Martyrs’ Day, award the “July 1st Medal” and “Medal of the Republic”, establish and improve the party and country’s honorary recognition system… A good atmosphere in which the whole society respects heroes, learns from heroes, and strives to be heroes is increasingly formed;

Activities to create spiritual civilization such as civilized families and civilized campuses are carried out in depth, and new civilized trends rooted in traditional culture, such as respecting the elderly and caring for the young, being diligent and thrifty, are blown into the hearts of the people, providing a steady stream of moral nourishment for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics…

The Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core focuses on “who to train” and “how to train people”, leading batches of new generations to strengthen their confidence, strengthen their consciousness, improve their quality, and devote themselves to the great cause of national rejuvenation.

In the fields, the “new farmers” work hard in the cold and summer, cultivating intensively, and strive to keep China’s rice bowl firmly in their hands; in the factory workshops, the new generation of workers work hard to practice their skills and strive for excellence, using unremitting research to make “Made in China” The “golden business card” shines in the world; in sports arenas, athletes work hard and strive for great results, letting the five-star red flag fly high again and again; on the front line of disaster relief, countless young faces charge forward and go retrograde to save the people in danger. between……

Promote cultural prosperity and take solid steps towards building a socialist cultural power——

Liangzhu, Yuhang, Zhejiang, “a beautiful island in the water”. Generations of archaeologists have worked hard here to explore the first traces of Chinese civilization.

“The Liangzhu site is a holy place that demonstrates the five thousand years of Chinese civilization history.” In July 2003, Xi Jinping, then Secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, made an important conclusion on the historical status of the site. In 2016, General Secretary Xi Jinping issued important instructions on the application of the Liangzhu Ancient City Site as a World Heritage Site.

Three years later, the ruins of Liangzhu Ancient City were selected into the World Heritage List. Foreign experts commented: “Liangzhu has enabled us to understand early Chinese civilization more than a thousand years in advance.”

With firm cultural confidence and strong historical responsibility, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core regards the inheritance and promotion of China’s excellent traditional culture as a historic and strategic project, leading the creative transformation and innovative development of Chinese culture. The “Opinions on Implementing the Inheritance and Development Project of China’s Excellent Traditional Culture” was issued, which for the first time elaborated on the inheritance and development of China’s excellent traditional culture in the form of a central document.

From the continuous advancement of Dunhuang cultural protection research work, to the in-depth implementation of major projects such as the revolutionary cultural relics protection and utilization project; from the compilation and publication of “Fuxing Library” and “Chinese Painting Series of Ancient Dynasties”, to the Chinese Communist Party History Exhibition Hall, China National Version Museum and other cultural Palaces have been completed one after another… Under the care and promotion of General Secretary Xi Jinping, the “pool of spring water” of Chinese culture is full of vitality.

In today’s China, the “cultural museum craze” is booming and the “cultural and creative wind” is blowing hard. The heritage displayed on the vast land and the words written in ancient books are coming to life. China’s excellent traditional culture is creatively transformed and innovatively developed, allowing the cultural heritage to be passed on. The string songs are endless and timeless.

Literature and art are the clarion call for the advancement of the times. They can best represent the style of an era and best lead the ethos of an era.

“I look up at the starry sky you have seen. The earth under my feet has changed in time and space. The red color you left swaying in the wind is in my heart!”

At the Longhua Martyrs Cemetery in Shanghai, the tombs of the three martyrs, Chen Yannian, Chen Qiaonian and Zhao Shiyan, who are well-known for the TV series “Awakening Age”, are filled with letters to the martyrs.

Each powerful literary and artistic work plays a soul-stirring voice of the times, the voice of patriotism, and the voice of the people.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the literary and artistic field has blossomed with hundreds of flowers and achieved fruitful results: film and television works such as “Changjin Lake” and “Mountains and Seas” have both a sense of history and realistic concerns; literary works such as “The World” and “Snow Mountain Land” show the magnificent society. Changes; innovative forms such as the revival of the opera “The Party’s Daughter” and the dance drama “The Eternal Wave” reproduce the heroic image…

Culture is not only the spiritual bond that unites people’s hearts, but also a key factor in improving people’s livelihood and well-being.

Looking at the state, cultural projects to benefit the people are implemented in depth, various literary and artistic masterpieces continue to emerge, cultural tourism is deeply integrated, the cultural industry develops rapidly, the cultural undertakings in the new era are full of vitality, the cultural innovation and creativity of the entire nation are competing to burst out, and the ancient Eastern civilization is making strides towards society A strong country with socialist culture.

Tell China’s story well, and the country’s cultural soft power and Chinese cultural influence will increase day by day——

In April 2023, Guangzhou was in bloom in spring. Located at the foothills of Baiyun Mountain, the Pine Garden is surrounded by mountains and rivers and has a unique style.

General Secretary Xi Jinping invited French President Macron to stroll through the Lingnan Gardens, sit by the water, and enjoy the scenery while sipping tea. The thousand-year-old guqin played a song “Mountains and Flowing Waters”, which the two heads of state enjoyed together.

“To understand today’s China, we must start by understanding China’s history.” General Secretary Xi Jinping discussed the past and present. “We are full of confidence in China’s development prospects.”

“In the past two days, our exchanges and friendship have been in-depth, which has enabled me to further appreciate China’s long and splendid history and culture, and enhance my understanding of modern China’s governance concepts.” Macron said with deep feeling.

The multilingual edition of “Xi Jinping: The Governance of China” has aroused enthusiastic responses overseas, opening up windows for readers from all over the world to observe and perceive China;

Documents such as “The Historical Mission and Action Value of the Communist Party of China”, “China’s New Party System” white paper, and “China’s Democracy” white paper show a true, three-dimensional and comprehensive China to the world;

Performances filled with “Chinese style” such as Peking Opera and Kun Opera continue to appear on the international stage, domestic film and television dramas are popular overseas, and dance, acrobatics, fine arts, and folk literature and art continue to go abroad;

Brand activities such as “Experience China”, “Happy Spring Festival” and “Spring Together” have set off an upsurge in the charm of Chinese culture around the world;

The Beijing Winter Olympics, Hangzhou Asian Games, and Chengdu Universiade amazed the world, showing the world that Chinese culture embraces all rivers and is inclusive of the world;

A series of home diplomacy such as the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, the Shanghai International Import Expo, and the Conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilizations tell the world China’s story and introduce China’s experience…

A China that is everlasting and ever-changing, is taking root in the land of China and showing itself to the world with an open and inclusive mind and a spirit of integrity and innovation.

Sing the Chinese story with the voice of culture, build value consensus with the soul of culture, and promote the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind through mutual learning among civilizations… The new era of Chinese culture has blossomed, promoting the beauty and beauty of Chinese civilization and the civilizations of other countries to coexist harmoniously.

Entering a new era, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has pointed out the direction for doing a good job in external publicity under the new situation, improving the country’s cultural soft power and the influence of Chinese culture, and making the image of China more credible, lovely and respectable. It can be seen that a beautiful movement of peace, development, cooperation and win-win has been played.

Aim high, look to the future, and build the modern civilization of the Chinese nation at a new historical starting point

In the Yin Ruins in Anyang, Henan, the Huan River meanders and the oracle bones are in strange shape.

On October 28, 2022, less than a week after the conclusion of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping came here for an inspection.

Entering the Yin Ruins Museum to view bronzes, jades, oracle bone inscriptions and other cultural relics, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out the profound meaning of this visit: “I have longed for the Yin Ruins. This time I came to learn more about Chinese civilization, to use the past for the present, and to better build the Chinese nation. Modern civilization provides a reference.”

“Chinese civilization has a long history and has never been interrupted. It has shaped our great nation, and this nation will continue to be great.” Looking across thousands of years, General Secretary Xi Jinping is full of confidence.

The prosperity of a country and a nation is always supported by cultural prosperity. The great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation requires the development and prosperity of Chinese culture.

With a deep sense of historical responsibility, in the first year of fully implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping continues to deepen his concern and thinking about cultural prosperity and civilization innovation——

Visit the National Edition Museum of China and the Chinese Academy of History to draw wisdom for the future from thinking about history; visit the ancient city of Suzhou to feel the abundant momentum given by culture to economic development; visit the Shaanxi Hanzhong Municipal Museum to think about the inheritance and innovation of traditional culture …

Dip in the pen and ink of history and continue to write new history.

“From now on, the central task of the Communist Party of China is to unite and lead the people of all ethnic groups in the country to comprehensively build a modern and powerful socialist country, achieve the second centenary goal, and comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese-style modernization.” The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. , General Secretary Xi Jinping solemnly declared.

Chinese-style modernization is a modernization that harmonizes material civilization and spiritual civilization.

Embark on a new journey toward the second centenary goal and embark on the unprecedented path of Chinese-style modernization. How to better meet the people’s growing spiritual and cultural needs, continuously enhance the spiritual strength to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and make new contributions to the garden of human civilization. Greater contribution?

“Continuing to promote cultural prosperity, build a cultural power, and build the modern civilization of the Chinese nation from a new starting point is our new cultural mission in the new era.” General Secretary Xi Jinping set goals and clarified tasks.

Should shoulder the new mission and adhere to the spiritual character of self-confidence and self-reliance——

The mighty Yellow River has been flowing for eternity. Yuncheng, located at the southernmost tip of Shanxi Province, was called “Hedong” in ancient times and is one of the birthplaces of Chinese civilization.

On May 16 this year, General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected the Shanxi Yuncheng Museum and emphasized: “The museum has many precious cultural relics and even ‘national treasures’, which prove our country’s millions of years of human history, 10,000 years of cultural history, and more than 5,000 years of history.” The history of civilization, we must thoroughly implement the project of exploring the origins of Chinese civilization and lead the study of the history of Chinese civilization in depth.”

More than two months later, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited Sanxingdui, Guanghan, Sichuan, and congratulated the new Sanxingdui Museum on its completion.

In the exhibition hall, the General Secretary stopped frequently. Sometimes after seeing the front view, he walked slowly around the display cabinet to inspect the details of the cultural relics from different sides. He said with emotion: “After seeing it, the national pride doubled. Five thousand years of Chinese civilization, and I am even more looking forward to it.” A longer discovery and excavation of Chinese civilization.”

Self-confidence leads to self-improvement.

The extensive and profound Chinese civilization has endured for thousands of years and endured many hardships. This is the miracle of human civilization and the basis for our self-confidence.

“Based on the great historical practice and contemporary practice of the Chinese nation, use Chinese principles to summarize Chinese experience, upgrade Chinese experience into Chinese theory, and achieve spiritual independence.” With firm cultural confidence, we stride forward on the path we have chosen.

Shouldering new missions and adhering to a broad mind of openness and inclusiveness——

In May this year, the ancient city of Xi’an welcomed guests and friends from all walks of life attending the China-Central Asia Summit.

The bright and powerful ancient Yi dance, the gorgeous and graceful hibiscus flower dance… In front of Ziyun Tower, a generous, dreamlike and traditional welcome ceremony of the Tang Dynasty showed the spirit of Chinese culture that embraces the world and embraces all rivers. style.

“Shaanxi is the eastern starting point of the ancient Silk Road and has witnessed the profound friendship between China and Central Asian countries for more than two thousand years. For thousands of years, China and the people of Central Asia have exchanged knowledge and learned from each other, creating the ancient Silk Road. The brilliance of the road has written a glorious chapter in the history of human civilization exchanges.” General Secretary Xi Jinping said.

The broad atmosphere of Chinese civilization benefits from the open attitude and inclusive mind of Chinese culture since ancient times.

To build the modern civilization of the Chinese nation, we must be more proactive in learning from all the outstanding civilizational achievements created by mankind.

On September 14, the 2023 Beijing Cultural Forum opened. Chinese and foreign guests gathered together to gather wisdom and power to promote the common progress of human civilization.

General Secretary Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory letter and sincerely called for: “Jointly promote cultural prosperity and development, cultural heritage protection, exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations, implement global civilization initiatives, and inject profound and lasting cultural power into promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind.”

At the evening’s literary evening, ballet and Chinese classical dance shared the stage to illustrate the common beauty. Ancient musical instruments from different civilizations played harmonious sounds together. The memories and pictures of civilizations from different countries gathered on the land of China.

The ancient oriental power not only enlightens world civilization with its outstanding wisdom, but also embraces world civilization with an openness to all rivers.

“We must expand our world vision and gain a profound insight into the trend of human development and progress.

, actively respond to the common concerns of people of all countries, contribute to solving common problems facing mankind, learn from and absorb all the outstanding achievements of human civilization with a broad mind that embraces all rivers, and promote the construction of a better world. “General Secretary Xi Jinping has a commanding position and interprets the overall pattern and atmosphere of Chinese civilization.

Should shoulder the new mission and more consciously adhere to the “two combinations”——

There is no end to practice, and there is no end to theoretical innovation. It is the solemn historical responsibility of contemporary Chinese Communists to continue to write new chapters of the Sinicization of Marxism.

On June 30, the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held its sixth collective study session on opening up a new realm of adapting Marxism to China and the times. General Secretary Xi Jinping made important remarks:

“The major proposition of adapting Marxism to the times and adapting it to the current times determines that we must never abandon the soul of Marxism and the root of China’s excellent traditional culture. Adhering to this soul and root is the basis and prerequisite for theoretical innovation. “

With a profound understanding of the role of culture in historical progress, a correct grasp of the spiritual characteristics and historical inheritance of culture, and an unremitting pursuit of cultural rejuvenation and civilization progress, Chinese Communists in the new era have pioneered the basic principles of Marxism and A new realm of combining the excellent traditional Chinese culture.

At the symposium on cultural inheritance and development, General Secretary Xi Jinping gave a profound and systematic explanation of “two combinations” – the premise of “combination” is mutual agreement, the result of “combination” is mutual achievement, and “combination” builds a solid foundation for the road. , “combination” opens up the space for innovation, and “combination” consolidates cultural subjectivity.

On the new journey, we must adhere to the fundamental requirement of “two combinations”, continue to promote theoretical innovation based on practice, illuminate the road of struggle with the light of truth, and gather majestic power with the ambition of rejuvenation.

The best inheritance of history is to create new history, and the greatest tribute to human civilization is to create a new form of human civilization. Facing the future, General Secretary Xi Jinping issued a call: “We must strengthen cultural confidence, shoulder our mission, work hard, and work together to create a new culture of our era and build a modern civilization for the Chinese nation.”

Standing at a new starting point, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, and under the scientific guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the propaganda, ideological and cultural front moves forward with high spirits and heads high, embarking on an expedition full of glory and dreams.

Source: CPC People News

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PM Modi to Host Virtual Summit of SCO Wed, 05 Jul 2023 15:00:00 +0000 NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will host Chinese President Xi Jinping, his Russia counterpart Vladimir Putin, Pakistan’s…

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NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will host Chinese President Xi Jinping, his Russia counterpart Vladimir Putin, Pakistan’s Shehbaz Sharif and other leaders of the SCO nations at a virtual summit of the bloc on Tuesday that is expected to focus on regional security situation and ways to boost connectivity and trade.

It will be Putin’s first participation in a multilateral summit after a mercenary group launched a short-lived armed rebellion last week that rocked Moscow.

The summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) under India’s presidency is also set to welcome Iran as the new permanent member of the grouping.

The summit is also taking place against the backdrop of the over three-year eastern Ladakh border standoff between Indian and Chinese troops, and two weeks after Prime Minister Modi’s high-profile visit to the US.

The SCO, comprising India, China, Russia, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, is an influential economic and security bloc and has emerged as one of the largest transregional international organisations.
India assumed the rotating chairmanship of the SCO at the Samarkand Summit of SCO on September 16 last year.

Heads of the two SCO bodies — the secretariat and the SCO RATS (Regional Anti- Terrorist Structure) are also set to attend Tuesday’s virtual summit whose theme is “Towards a SECURE SCO!The situation in Afghanistan, the Ukraine conflict and enhancing cooperation among the SCO member countries are expected to figure in the summit, people familiar with the matter said, adding boosting connectivity and trade is also likely to be discussed.

The SECURE acronym was coined by Prime Minister Modi at the 2018 SCO summit and it stands for Security; Economy and Trade; Connectivity; Unity; Respect for Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity; and Environment.

Heads of six international and regional organisations have also been invited to the summit.
The organisations are the UN, the ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations), CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States), CSTO (Collective Security Treaty Organisation), EAEU (Eurasian Economic Union) and CICA (Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia).

India’s presidency of the SCO saw significant activities in a number of areas. New Delhi created five new pillars for cooperation in SCO. These are startups and innovation, traditional medicine, digital inclusion, youth empowerment and shared Buddhist heritage.

The special working group on startups and innovation and experts working group on traditional medicine were created on India’s initiative.
“We intend to contribute substantially in both these areas,” said one of the people cited above.

To further Prime Minister Modi’s vision of Vasudhaiv Kutumbakom (world is one family), India emphasised on building greater people-to-people connect, the person said.
A number of signature events were held under the Indian presidency with the intention to further deepen people to people connect.

India’s association with the SCO began in 2005 as an observer country. It became a full member state of SCO at the Astana summit in 2017.

India has shown a keen interest in deepening its security-related cooperation with the SCO and its RATS, which specifically deals with issues relating to security and defence.

The SCO was founded at a summit in Shanghai in 2001 by the presidents of Russia, China, the Kyrgyz Republic, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. Pakistan became its permanent member along with India in 2017.

Source: Times of India

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Chinese vice premier, Cambodian PM attend business, investment, tourist forum Sat, 04 Mar 2023 21:04:00 +0000 Chinese Vice Premier Hu Chunhua and Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia Hun Sen attend the opening…

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Chinese Vice Premier Hu Chunhua and Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia Hun Sen attend the opening ceremony of the China-Cambodia business, investment and tourism forum in Beijing, capital of China, Feb. 10, 2023. (Xinhua/Zhang Ling)

BEIJING, Feb. 10 (Xinhua) — Chinese Vice Premier Hu Chunhua and Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia Hun Sen on Friday attended the opening ceremony of the China-Cambodia business, investment and tourism forum.

The forum was held in Beijing, attended by some 300 government and business representatives from the two countries.

This year marks the 65th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Cambodia, Hu said while addressing the forum.

China is willing to strengthen the synergy of bilateral development strategies, deepen trade and investment cooperation, expand cultural and tourism exchanges, and advance the construction of a China-Cambodia community with a shared future, Hu said.

Hun Sen said that Cambodia and China cooperate closely on the economy, trade, investment and tourism. He called for bilateral development strategies to be synergized and for cooperation in business, infrastructure and tourism to be deepened. ■

Chinese Vice Premier Hu Chunhua addresses the opening ceremony of the China-Cambodia business, investment and tourism forum in Beijing, capital of China, Feb. 10, 2023. (Xinhua/Zhang Ling)

Source: xinhua

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Listening to Chinese whispers shielded Beijing from COVID-19 blame Sun, 04 Dec 2022 09:29:58 +0000 China was wracked with unprecedented anti-zero-COVID protests in late November 2022. They started with a fire in Urumqi…

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China was wracked with unprecedented anti-zero-COVID protests in late November 2022. They started with a fire in Urumqi city, Xinjiang. At least 10 people perished after not being allowed to leave the building due to COVID-19 restrictions. Local street demonstrations followed this tragedy. The next day, local authorities declared that the city had been rid of COVID-19 at the community level and issued a number of tone-deaf statements about the need for individual protection.

People hold white sheets of paper in protest of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) restrictions, after a vigil for the victims of a fire in Urumqi, as outbreaks of the coronavirus disease continue in Beijing, China, 27 November 2022 (Photo: Reuters/Thomas Peter).

The demonstration in Xinjiang was followed on Saturday 26 November by a protest on Urumqi Road in Shanghai, where residents also railed against China’s current zero-COVID policy. Unusually, protestors called for regime change. Since then, there have been reports of nearly 100 protests in different parts of China, mainly in universities.

It is easy to elevate the significance of these protests. But protests are both more common and more easily dealt with in China than commonly understood. There have been major political protests in China in the past few decades and the playbook for dealing with them is well established. Leaders blame problems on local government implementation and crack down hard on generalised statements such as ‘this was the Party’s fault’. They also hit the leaders of protests hard, but usually leave the protesters themselves alone.

What is new in these COVID-19 protests is that many different issues are being refracted through the lens of the virus. Workers protesting about labour rights use the pandemic as a frame for grievances, but that is a different matter from those seeking greater freedoms of speech or political rights, or wanting to criticise China’s leaders.

Notably, the state response was not nearly as harsh, repressive or even coordinated as external commentary suggests. Instead, protests were dissipated through control of social media platforms and through relocating protesters. Following this there have been fewer reports of activities.

The protests are unlikely to change the regime, but they may have triggered changes in China’s COVID-19 policy. Why? Because they allowed Beijing to change its policy.

Some background here is important — as the power to make decisions over COVID-19 restrictions had already been delegated down to local leaders, Beijing can distance itself from the public frustration about harsh COVID-19 policies. Policy making is not completely directive. Central leaders might give signals — as success or failure will be pinned on local leaders, they monitor these messages closely.

The signals coming from Beijing prior to the protests were vague and ambiguous. The most significant recent order from the leadership was issued on 11 November. It called for some restrictions to be eased and urged local officials to refrain from indiscriminate COVID-19 restrictions. That was followed by a 20-point statement detailing how the virus should be handled.

Chinese internal assessments on the virus were frank well before the protests started. They said that ‘at present, the local epidemic situation in China is still severe and complicated’, and that local leaders must follow the ‘clear requirement put forward by the Party Central Committee for prevention of the epidemic’.

In fact the centre had given no clear direction on pandemic management. Instead, it was left to the ministries, who then passed instructions down to local leaders tasked with implementing COVID-19 restrictions ‘according to their own characteristics and realities’.

Local governments were indeed warned not to go too far, with the central government saying that ‘arbitrary’ restrictions should be avoided. Every day, millions of schools, factories and residential compounds must wait for testing or other instructions before starting work. This was not being controlled by local leaders, but rather by local administrators trying to work out what to do. There is not even a national health QR code. Contrary to fears of China’s surveillance state, there is no standard protocol for tracking the virus. That is a city-wide decision.

Local governments have to choose between opening up and controlling the virus. That has led to a huge number of problems, as everything is passed down the line until rules are implemented and interpreted at a very local level. Ambiguous top-down policy messages, coupled with convoluted transmission through the chain of command, leads to policy flip-flopping. And there are constantly different messages.

The city of Shijiazhuang adopted a looser interpretation of the central government orders and tried opening up in late November, only to be faced with reports of a fearful population that largely stayed home. There are, as always, many stories in China.

But after the protests, China’s leaders sent new messages about the virus. These were large and clear shifts, including making the virus sound less frightening and saying that local governments who are too restrictive with their prevention activities will be held accountable. They also changed the targets for vaccinations, focussing on the elderly.

What happens next remains to be seen. On policy direction, Beijing’s choice will likely be non-pharmaceutical interventions such as masking and contact reduction.

A shift to self-testing and quarantining at home, with local committees responsible for check-ups is the likely next step. Local governments will probably launch vaccination campaigns and the central government will focus on delivering more hospital beds, ramping up production of medical equipment and training more staff.

For the more complicated matters of vaccination mandates and lockdown settings Beijing will leave policy formulation and specification to local governments. This may sound defeatist, but it actually offers China scope to back away from COVID-19-zero. Beijing can attribute things that go awry to local implementation failures rather than errors at the top.

Source : EastAsiaForum

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